Summering at SAALM, a joyous celebration of place, time, color and content from the women artists of the Gentileschi Aegis Gallery Association
Summering at SAALM, a joyous celebration of place, time, color and content from the women artists of the Gentileschi Aegis Gallery Association
The San Antonio Art League Museum (SAALM) presents SUMMERING @ SAALM, an exhibition which opened to the public on Sunday, June 16th, 2024. These 64 works from 52 artist members of the Gentileschi Aegis Gallery Association were chosen by Art League Curators Vikki Fields and Nancy Kempf. Founded in 2010 to help further women artists through exhibition, promotion and education, GAGA’s name was inspired by Artemisia Gentileschi — a woman artist, practicing her craft during the 1600's. She became the first celebrated female painter in the all-male art canon. SUMMERING @ SAALM continues until August 3rd. |
This engaging, eclectic show summons up the vibrant pleasures of summer. Each piece on display is testament to personal exploration, sure-sighted skill and expert execution of vision. Works include oils, acrylic, ceramics, encaustic, fiber, and more. Summering at SAALM marks the organization’s third return to the San Antonio Art League & Museum in the historic King William Arts District.
GAGA Founder Sylvia Benitez says, “This exhibition presents unique work indicative of each of our artist’s styles and current direction. To participate in the exhibition, GAGA members were asked to submit three examples, with one work guaranteed inclusion. From this pool of over 180 submissions, the curatorial team then chose one or more works per artist, editing the examples down to 62 pieces. With a selected work in hand, they then set out to create exhibition flow, visual relationship, and overall coherence. The result of their labor is, in my opinion, probably the most cohesive, mature, and stellar show GAGA has produced for SAALM.” |