My Way of Painting in Watercolors
By Dona LeCrone Walston
July 21, 22, 9:00-3:00
Semmes Gallery at the San Antonio Art League & Museum
130 King William San Antonio, Texas
For all levels of expertise in watercolor. Cost: $200 total
After a lifetime of painting in watermedia for over 50 years. I would like to share my methods of painting watercolors and my journey to finding my ‘voice,’ including your personal journeys.
Color is my reason for painting; the staining, nonstaining and opaque qualities of different paints are basic. I will furnish handouts on paint color properties. I ‘lift’ a lot in my paintings so these properties are essential. I will introduce basic triads of compatible primaries to begin a watercolor.
On the first day, as well as experimenting with color, we will create a painting. I ask that each artist brings a drawing for a painting they would like to create. I work from my own photos so that is a possibility.
Second Day: Sharing our journeys in finding our voices in art and continuing the painting/experimenting started on the first day. What drives you to paint? I will share my painting journey- the steps I took along the way to finding my voice. Then there will be individual sharing with me about each artist’s journey and ‘voice’ facilitated by 3 finished works of your art brought from home. There will be a class sharing session at the end.
I will bring all my watercolor paint tubes to share as well as archival paper for the color experiments.
Supplies for the class:
Quarter sheet (approximately 11 x 15) sized Watercolor paper, paints and brushes that you prefer for watercolors.
(Your paintings are boosted exponentially by using rag paper; I prefer Arches 140# Cold Press.)
a drawing on paper to paint
Second day: please bring 3 finished examples of your artwork.
Bring your own lunch.
Our Art League includes artists with a wealth of experience in their chosen mediums, I hope that some will share that experience through workshops.
By Dona LeCrone Walston
July 21, 22, 9:00-3:00
Semmes Gallery at the San Antonio Art League & Museum
130 King William San Antonio, Texas
For all levels of expertise in watercolor. Cost: $200 total
After a lifetime of painting in watermedia for over 50 years. I would like to share my methods of painting watercolors and my journey to finding my ‘voice,’ including your personal journeys.
Color is my reason for painting; the staining, nonstaining and opaque qualities of different paints are basic. I will furnish handouts on paint color properties. I ‘lift’ a lot in my paintings so these properties are essential. I will introduce basic triads of compatible primaries to begin a watercolor.
On the first day, as well as experimenting with color, we will create a painting. I ask that each artist brings a drawing for a painting they would like to create. I work from my own photos so that is a possibility.
Second Day: Sharing our journeys in finding our voices in art and continuing the painting/experimenting started on the first day. What drives you to paint? I will share my painting journey- the steps I took along the way to finding my voice. Then there will be individual sharing with me about each artist’s journey and ‘voice’ facilitated by 3 finished works of your art brought from home. There will be a class sharing session at the end.
I will bring all my watercolor paint tubes to share as well as archival paper for the color experiments.
Supplies for the class:
Quarter sheet (approximately 11 x 15) sized Watercolor paper, paints and brushes that you prefer for watercolors.
(Your paintings are boosted exponentially by using rag paper; I prefer Arches 140# Cold Press.)
a drawing on paper to paint
Second day: please bring 3 finished examples of your artwork.
Bring your own lunch.
Our Art League includes artists with a wealth of experience in their chosen mediums, I hope that some will share that experience through workshops.